Blog Titles & Outlines

Sometimes you need a framework to get started with your content creation. One of the easiest ways to do this is to input the topic that you are interested in writing about and then letting the AI do the rest with coming up with a post title and a few sections that you can write about. Here's how to use this model.

Please add the topic for the blog for the Theme. For the example with the response we got, we used 'Travel to Thailand'.

Blog Titles & Outlines


Generate blog titles and outlines from a topic.


Request Body

        "Outputs": [
                "Generated": "- TITLE: My Travel to Thailand\n- INTRO: How to Successfully Travel Abroad\n- SECTION: Where to Go in Thailand\n- SECTION: Things to See and Do\n- SECTION: Festivals in Chiang Mai\n- SECTION: My Top 5 Recommendations\n- SECTION: Travel Insurance\n- CONCLUSION: Travelling Around the World Will Make You a Better Person"

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